Whether raw milk is produced on small farms (less than 75 cows) or on mega-farms (several 1000 cows), the importance of safe, high-quality milk is critical. The animals must be healthy, be fed high-quality feed, and be milked in clean, well-ventilated parlors. Milking machines, lines, pumps, and bulk tanks that come in contact with milk must be properly cleaned and sanitized, and milk must be stored at low temperatures (less than 40 °F) and handled under good manufacturing practices from cow to consumer.
Raw milk must be critically tasted at the processing plant before the acceptance of the milk by the plant. This ensures the acceptance of safe, high-quality milk, which results in benefits for the consumer. The raw milk must be microbiologically acceptable and free of inhibitory substances and must have desirable sensory properties.
It is important to remember that raw milk with high microbiological numbers or poor sensory properties will likely lead to finished products that fail to meet established shelf-life standards. High-quality raw milk that is stored at low temperatures and processed and packaged under sanitary conditions provides the basis for consumer acceptability.