update latest communication theme of Syder Bay as a brand
"Chill & Fun" - ชีวิตสนุกสุดชิลล์... ( please note that this is not the copies to use for the communication, its just a concept to use for further idea development)
the below are the key summary of the feedback from Syder Bay team;
1. Timing of the event - please check available options of the date/ space on 30th May, 6th Jun or 13th Jun
2. Details break down - please revise to reflect the new communication direction & get back to us with details break down & network timeline of the project
3. Strategic questions
A) how do we blend in Syder Bay "Experience" into the event ( not just through decoration only)
B) how to drive traffic of people to join the event. what will be the pre-pr recommendation? what will be the "Hook" that will help attract target audiences
C) what would be the mechanic of the events? free entrace or entrace with fee? etc.
D) estimate budget & coverage - given 5 MB budget, how many times can we deploy the concept?
4. Timeline - please get back to us with all the details + revised concept by 14th May (Thursday) before Noon.