Punk musician and actor, Henry Rollins, is reportedly furious that his sexuality is constantly being called into question. This is mainly due to the fact that he doesn't think there is anyone as clearly "un-gay" as him. Formerly of the hard-core punk band Black Flag, Rollins is being repeatedly interviews by homosexual magazines and has thought that his heterosexual relationships should be more than enough explanation as to his sexuality.
In an interview, Rollins explained his annoyance, saying: "I get interviewed by gay magazines at least six times a year and the first question is always, 'Are you gay?'. No. 'Are you sure?'. Yes. I ask why there's such a desire for me to be gay and they say, 'Because your hair's short, you're in shape, you're hot and you're smart.'"
He went on to further explain: "In America it's a put down, like, 'Oh he's such a f**king fairy'. So here I am with the tattoos and a thick neck, talking s**t. God, if you only saw how un-gay I am. I've never had a homosexual experience - and I could have had all the ones I wanted.