Moreover, AM
fungi have been proposed as a potent biofertilizer in organic
agriculture in China. However, the effects of different soil
management practices on AM symbiosis development, the amount
of GRSP in soil, and soil C and enzymes in citrus orchards remain
largely unknown, although AM associations play a vital role in the
maintenance of agroecosystem sustainability. Accordingly, the aim
of the present study was to evaluate the influences of natural grass
cover, sod culture with white clover (Trifolium repens L.), and clean tillage soil management on AM colonization in citrus roots, AM
fungal propagules in citrus rhizospheres, and GRSP content, and to
relate these measures with soil chemical and biochemical
characteristics in citrus orchards in southeast China
Moreover, AMfungi have been proposed as a potent biofertilizer in organicagriculture in China. However, the effects of different soilmanagement practices on AM symbiosis development, the amountof GRSP in soil, and soil C and enzymes in citrus orchards remainlargely unknown, although AM associations play a vital role in themaintenance of agroecosystem sustainability. Accordingly, the aimof the present study was to evaluate the influences of natural grasscover, sod culture with white clover (Trifolium repens L.), and clean tillage soil management on AM colonization in citrus roots, AMfungal propagules in citrus rhizospheres, and GRSP content, and torelate these measures with soil chemical and biochemicalcharacteristics in citrus orchards in southeast China
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