Customer service strategies involve giving customers what they want, communicating effectively with them, and providing employees with customer service training.
Most of counterfeit goods don’t have good service after selling or not have service. Because cost of product is low and part of service, the products have low quality follow the cost of production and the good will has many problems to customers. So most of counterfeit good make customer satisfy just a little while. When product have problem, product will use and trash.
No, I don’t. Because first situation, the fake product want to save the cost of manufacturing and gain more profit. They will reduce cost of raw material that not same the luxury product. The luxury product takes caring such as the manufacturing, raw material, and the process of operation. The fake product was crated by producer need profit more than long relationship with customers. They made product that customer can buy in low price but same design with luxury product or we call “copy product”. And the reason that people would like to fake product, because most of people like materialism more than quality of product. Example Adidas sell Adidas NMD r1, these is a shoes that good quality and high production. The character of shoes made specific for customer who crazy in this brand.
But It’s look like people don’t have money but still like use famous brands product. And when they reduce cost of production will make problem, because product luxury design may match the good material only. And this problem will make people don’t want to buy. But counterfeit product that easy to people come buy. They will buy product that cheap for save their money. And second situation, if they made same quality, the product will high cost of production. Then when they sell will set price same luxury. So people will not buy their product.