Update date & time the interview.
From: Nujarin Suttisarn (HR)
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 1:20 PM
To: 'Channipa.wi@gmail.com'
Cc: Jarinee Jaipoom (HR); Laddawan Wayo (HR)
Subject: WD Interview Invitation: Channipa Wiriyangkoon
Dear K. Channipa,
With reference to our telephone discussion, we are pleased to invite you for having an interview with us for the position of Analyst 1 – Document Control as following details:
Date: Wed, Sep 2, 15 Fri, Sep 4, 15
Interview Time: 11.00 a.m. English Test 08.30 a.m. English Test
01.00 p.m. Interview 10.00 a.m. Interview
Contact Venue: Bangpa-in Factory, please firstly come to WD Staffing Office @ Building 3, Ground Floor
Parking area: Please park at ‘P’ zone using the entrance opposite Building 4 (see attached map)
Contact Person: Khun Laddawan or Nujarin Tel. 035-277604
Before interviewing day
Candidate must completely submit profile in WD Career Center before interviewing day!
1. Step1 Please create your personal profile into database.
2. Click to follow link Access my profile to create your application.
the interviewing day
Please bring along copies of document below:
A copy of original and updated resume
Copies of Educational Certificates and Transcript
Other copies of document e.g. ID card , house registration book, military certificate, employment certificate and etc. if any)
During the interview
Please be informed and reminded that during the interview:
· You are being considered for employment with WD based solely on your general skills, education, judgment and experience and not in an effort to obtain access to trade secrets of your current or prior employers.
· Please do not divulge any trade secret and/or confidential information of a third party to Western Digital employees during your conversations.”