a)Marker names come from the name of the laboratory: ADL - USDA ARS Avian Disease and Oncology Lab, HUJ - Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
MCW - Microsatellite Chicken Wageningen, GUQ - Gifu University Quail, UBC - University of British Columbia.
b)Reference papers: 1[Cheng 1996]; 2[Cheng 1999]; 3[Cheng and Crittenden 1994]; 4[Cheng and Ponce de Leon 1996]; 5[Cheng et al. 1995];
6[Crooijmans et al.1996]; 7 [Crooijmans et al. 1997]; 8[Gibbs et al. 1997]; 9[Inoue-Murayama et al. 2001]; 10[Khatib and Soller 1993]; 11[Pang et al.