t is difficult to preserve fruits and vegetables for a long time. It is a common story with every household where fresh fruits and vegetables are purchased and they usually spoil and decay before they can be consumed. You may wonder if these fruits and vegetables do not have a long shelf life because they were left outside the refrigerator. It is important to know that fruits and vegetables get spoiled even inside the refrigerator. This is because ethylene that is released by the fresh produce stored gets trapped in the refrigerator. Hence the ethylene levels only keep rising and eventually affect both good and bad fresh produce, degrading their looks, taste and nutrient value.
Fruits and vegetables ripen at a natural rate usually. However when they are harvested and stored in large containers, ethylene produced by other fruits and vegetables also begin to affect to good batches eventually rendering them useless and inedible as well. The employment of good post harvest technology is able to help you curb the levels of ethylene in your storage units. It is essential to keep a tab on the ethylene levels around your fresh produce in your refrigerator as well. Through the absorption of ethylene you will be able to provide your fresh produce with a long shelf life and your fresh produce can last for almost 8-10 days extra. The most ideal method to preserve fruits and vegetables in your home is now here.
Freshkeeper ensures that your storage environment stays clean of all ethylene so there is no damage to your fresh produce. It is a completely non-invasive method of removing ethylene and provides you fresh produce with a long shelf life so you can store your fresh food for longer without the fear of it getting spoiled. Freshkeeper Preserve Disc can be used in your refrigerators at home and placed in the storage-bins for fresh produce. It is a smart piece of post harvest technology that lasts you for almost 3-months. It additionally has an indicator which tells you when the device needs to be replaced so you do not lose track of how old the device is. It is so simple to use that you simply peel off the film to activate the mechanism and place it in your refrigerator. The device retails in India for Rs.200 approximately and can give long shelf life to your fresh produce helping them last for almost 10 days.