You have a gift for synthesis, for reducing multiple problems to one concept in your mind. With this power for concentration and unification comes a desire for a position of authority. Your Moon and Sun combination makes you a romantic - not in the sentimental sense, but in the sense that you see yourself as a heroic person. You may feel that you are not bound by the laws and dictates of society. This sense of freedom, too, leads you to adventure and to plunge enthusiastically into many escapades. Your proud carriage and dignity support your self-image, but when your sensitive pride is ruffled, you are resentful. Anger is your first reaction to adverse criticism, but when you have calmed down you see the truth of what has been said.
Outwardly you are gay and have a sunny disposition that warms others. This is especially true in love, and you put your whole heart into your affections. Your trusting nature makes you totally unsuspicious of others. You know you are to be trusted, and you view others in the same light.