This review may contain spoilers. You've been warned. Twilight was a terrible film adaption of a, let's face it, mediocre novel. I went into the theater with an open mind, not expecting brilliance, but expecting to be entertained. Well, I guess I was technically entertained since I laughed throughout most of the movie. Sadly, I wasn't laughing at purposely funny moments. I was laughing at the awkward "acting" of the actors and the terrible dialogue.
Now this is where it gets tricky: Do we blame the screenwriter or the author? The movie made me realize just how corny the book's dialogue was. I found myself rolling my eyes, when I wasn't laughing, at every word out of the actor's mouth. Especially the dialogue between Edward and Bella. Now, the dialogue could have been over looked if the actors were able to deliver them. Alas, whoever decided to do casting for this film decided to cast every "actor" with the acting ability of a toaster. Now, a toaster is a inanimate object and therefore cannot act. Get the hint? What made me laugh the hardest was at the end of the movie when Bella's mother decides to inform Phil VIA TEXT MESSAGE that Bella is alright. I was so shocked that she was really texting him that I turned to my friend and whispered "Bella's okay, L-O-L". Really, though. Text messages? I would think that informing your potential spouse of your child's well being would warrant a phone call at least.