2014 Ongoing Projects
Building Management Capability, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
APEC Accelerator Network (Chinese Taipei)
APEC Train-the-Trainer Training Course for Women SME Service Exporters (Viet Nam)
Promoting Innovation Seminar: How Smart IPR Policies Can Encourage SMMEs’ Research and Development (Thailand)
APEC High Level Policy Dialogue on Resilient SMEs for Better Global Supply Chains (Chinese Taipei)
Financing APEC SME Innovation Workshop: Identifying Government Policies that Promote Venture Capital Investment in APEC Economies (Thailand)
APEC Public - Private Dialogue on Addressing Impediments of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Micro Enterprises (MEs) in Accessing Trade Finance (Viet Nam)
The Seminar of Network Financing Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (China)
Seminar on Cross Border Trade (CBT) in APEC (Indonesia
Business Environment, Market Access and Internationalization
APEC Business Ethics Forum: Building the Ethics Capacity of SMEs (USA)
Research and assessment of prospects for development of an integrated information tool to stimulate involvement of SMEs of the Asian-Pacific region into the global trade system, global production and supply chains (Russia)
Facilitating SME Integration into Global Value Chains (USA)