Honey, How are you doing? I really thank you for your lovely mail. my one and only, you are an incredible women I don't know if you are sick of me like I am for you ,............... Baby I want to tell you every second of every day there is no one like you in the world and I know that every man on this planet would envy me if they knew you! Baby whenever I see two people in love on TV I think of you wishing it was us! I dream all day about you, I think of nothing else but a great future with you! my whole world is built around you for me to be there for you to think of you to think about us to live for you to adore you to take good care of you,...... to send you love notes morning and night to search the world to find ways to say to you how much you mean to me! to miss you every second after writing to you!. Baby I know I am not perfect .but I am honest, sincere, and true, and I have a lot of love to give if you are willing to be on the receiving end. Please take this to your heart, my princess I am happy with you. Honey, I know that they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I go to bed with tears every night waiting for the moment I can hear from you. I don't know this feeling - I have never experienced it. I want you by my side. I could never get tired of being near you whether on the phone or through emails or talking in person. I miss you more than words can say. Honey, I am writing this letter to let you know that, Some people have so many big dreams, but all l want is to be with you , to wake up beside you each morning, to feel the warmth of your hand in mine, to share each moment, good and bad, with you, to lose myself in your loving arms. Honey, some people want so much out of life, but all l want is to share everything with you, for us to talk long into the night, to dream together, and experience all of the little things that makes life worth living. Yes, l have a big dream after all. And l want so many things, l want to spend the rest of my life with you if you accept me in your life. And l want to give you my love and to make our home a place where you always feel warm and welcome, and for us to have a relationship in which we accept each other for who we are and always find a sweet dream in each other’s arms. All l want is for us to love each other for the rest of our life’s, and always stand for each other. Thanks and may God bless you and your family……….. Kisses and hugs