Agenda 1: Opening of the Meeting
Agenda 2: Background of the Meeting, objectives of the Meeting and Adoption of the Agenda and Meeting Arrangement
Agenda 3:
3.1 Lesson learnt from the UNEP/GEF/South China Sea Project
By Mr. Pirochana Saikliang Regional Working Group on Fisheries for Thailand
By Dr. Nguyen Van Long, Regional Working Group on Coral Reefs for Vietnam
3.2 Country report on the current status
3.3 Regional Initiatives
Agenda 4: Information on selected global and international instruments and its relevance to fisheries and habitat management (and to combat IUU fishing) Include references to ASEAN Community Development
- Update Results from Meeting of the RPOA-IUU Coordination Committee
- Update the Port State Measures and Initiatives by Dr. Simon Funge-Smith
Agenda 5.1
Integration of fisheries and habitat management and the importance of trans-boundary stocks and habitats
Possible Areas to be discussed:
1. Establishment of fisheries resources conservation areas
2. Trans-boundary stocks and habitats and sub-regional arrangement/cooperation on conservation and management
3. Rastrelliger spp and related species
4. Others
Agenda 5.2
Strengthened capacity and sub-regional cooperation on monitoring, surveys and control of fishing efforts and landings of fisheries products in the Gulf of Thailand
Possible Areas to be discussed:
1. Monitoring of fishing effort, catches and landing (MCS Networks) in the Gulf of Thailand
2. Port Monitoring and Monitoring of Landings by “neighboring” vessels
3. Catch documentation and certification/validation
4. Others
Expected outputs of the breakout group session are:
- Agreed on common priorities actions
- Create action plan for each WG relevant to indicated Sub-regional priority actions with time lines and expected outcomes