One of basic sources of uncertainty on internet is reliability
failures [19]. Many websites try to mimic face-to-face
communication on their website to increate level of trust or
reliability [20]. For example, Fatcow customers might have an
experience chatting with Fatcow staff after clicking “LiveChat”
button on Fatcow homepage.
When the questions are sent,and the customers get the answers immediately, this similar
to face-to-face communication.
Another way that famous commercial websites always use to reduce reliability
failure is to make themselves appear on other media. When
the users know the websites on television or other traditional
media, their memory would heighten the level of trust on the
websites, which would help the users feel more comfortable to
make an online transaction [20]. While commercial websites
have an opportunity to make their users know them on other
media, anonymous users do not have this opportunity. They
could only make the new friends know them on online media