3.3. Selection of a suitable cryoprotectant
Fig. 3 shows the effect of cryoprotectant on the viabil-
ity of L. rhamnosus and L. casei 1520. UnipectineTM RS
150 was more effective as a cryoprotectant than Satial-
gineTM GCF 639. The improvements in viability may
have occurred as the cryoprotective agents can inhibit
intracellular or extracellular ice formation by binding
to the water. Ravula and Shah (2000) had also found
UnipectineTM RS 150 to be a superior cryoprotecant
as viable counts of L. acidophilus and bifidobacteria
were improved by 1 log during storage in fermented
dairy desserts. As the concentration of the cryoprotec-
tive agents in the milk solution was increased, there
was an increase in the survival of probiotic organisms.