6.2.3 Income
Out of total 33.33% of respondents were belonged to the
income group of Rs.5001-10000/month, 23.33 % of
respondents were belonged to the income group of
Rs.10001-15000 / month, 26.66% were belonged to the
income group Rs. 15000 and above per month. Majority
63.33 of respondents are below the income 15000/ month.
There was no study to support this sample characteristics.
India being the developing country and its majority
population belong to middle-income group. caregivers
educational needs differ based on gender. Reported that male
caregivers, highest priority was to learn how to assist the
disabled adult; female caregivers required information
regarding health and human resources. (Vanetzian and
Corrigan 1995)
6.2.4 Marital status
Majority of respondents that is 86.67% participated in this
study were Married and only 13.33% were unmarried.
6.2.5 Education
All the respondents (100 %) expressed that they were