2.5. Syneresis and water holding capacity (WHC)
Syneresis was determined using a procedure adopted from
Riener, Noci, Cronin, Morgan, and Lyng (2010). However, the
syneresis was reported as g of the separated whey out of the total
weight (100 g) of the yoghurt.
Unset yoghurt mix (25 g) from each batch was weighed in
a centrifuge tube and all samples were incubated together and the
set gels were then stored at 4
C for 24 h. Each sample was weighed
and centrifuged (Hermle Z36HK, Wehingen, Germany) at 3500g
and 4
C for 10 min. The whey expelled from the sample was discarded and the remaining yoghurt in the tube was then reweighed.
The WHC was defined as weight (g) of the remaining (or drained)
yoghurt out of the total weight (100 g) of the yoghurt (before