The Barracuda Spam Firewall examines all the characteristics of a message and uses a complex system
of scores to determine whether a message is spam. When an email reaches the spam scoring filter, the
Barracuda Spam Firewall assigns scores to all the properties of the message.
For example, the Barracuda Spam Firewall examines:
■ A message’s header and subject line for offending characters or words
■ The percentage of HTML in the message
■ Whether a message contains an 'unsubscribe' link
These properties (along with many others) help the Barracuda Spam Firewall determine a message’s
spam score, which is displayed on the Message Log page of the administration interface.
The Energize Update feature keeps the spam rules and scores up-to-date so the Barracuda Spam
Firewall can quickly counteract the latest techniques used by spammers