• Eddies and other phenomena locally affecting the velocity
and path of plastic traveling on (and near) the
sea surface must be incorporated in simulations to
increase accuracy of the efficiency calculations.
• To increase the accuracy of the field efficiency
determination, the interaction between the floating
barriers and current, as well as the interaction
between the floating barriers and the plastics, should
be taken into consideration. It is unknown what the
influence of the barriers will be on the (local) currents.
For example, it could be that the surface velocity is
lower during ‘reverse-current events’, since the
barrier is absorbing part of that current’s energy (see
Figure 11.5).
• Laboratory tests should confirm the ratios between
different driving forces of plastic in the ocean; wind,
waves and surface currents.
• Detailed engineering iteration steps will be required in
preparation for each pilot, as well as the execution.
• To reduce complexity of force determinations, the
platform closer (or directly adjacent to) the barriers,
the average time plastic spends in the water is re
duced, potentially leading to a higher capture efficiency.