(ii) Second option is an alternative in which power plant has to
be investigated a fresh. There has been lot of changes in rain
fall pattern and geographical aspects in last 100 years.
Moreover, about 100 years back there were no well established
tools available for hydrological investigations. Therefore,
in this paper fresh hydrological investigations have
been carried out depending on the discharge data of the
stream available and alternative new capacities have been
determined and economically justified.
(iii) Third option is an alternative in which power plant has to be
restored to the original condition by bringing the generator
and turbine back to their original capacity. It's basically,
restoration of original efficiency of both turbine and generator.
It includes the installation cost of new runner of original
design and of course with the present technology and best
available material. By implementation of this option, there
will be some increase in power capacity of the plant due to
more efficient technology and materials available today.
(iv) Fourth option is an alternative with project. The option requires
rewinding of the generator windings with complete
new stator core and field poles, new governor system and
new breakers. The turbine under this option is upgraded
with high probability of runner replacement and other efficiency
deteriorating components. The new efficiency may be
achieved in this analysis and the option leads to uprating of
(v) Fifth option proposes complete replacement of generator
and turbine with both new turbines and generator. This
options leads to uprating of capacity of the HPP higher than
the previous option mentioned. This option is slightly
expensive. This approach is followed incase refurbishment
and uprating is not possible with existing components then
this alternative is a must.