Arms and ammunition illegally kept, disclosed by police
Weapons and ammunition found in the home of a man in Edinet. Asked about the origin of the weapons, he tangled himself in statements, saying that he has them as an inheritance. A similar case was discovered in Rezina, TV “Moldova 1” reported.
A whole arsenal of weapons and ammunition was found by police illegally detained at the residence of two men in Rezina. Among the found munitions there are guns, grenades, and cartridges.
Police warn that firearms owners are obliged, within two years, to show up at the Inspectorate to get the document allowing them to detain firearms. "The gun can be worn only by permit holder accordingly, following the cumulative conditions: to have it permanently inserted in holster, kept in a hidden place, unless that person is authorized by law," says Svetlana Scripnic, Press Officer, at the Police Department in Chisinau.
According to the General Directorate of the Public Security Police, 56,000 Moldovans are holders of firearms, totalling an amount of 65 000 584 units.
Since the beginning of the year, in Chisinau only, police sanctioned, for various violations of law, 400 holders of firearms due to unlawfully holding and keeping firearms.