Unisub Wood & Plaques
Temperature: 400ºF / Time: 75-80 seconds / Pressure: medium (40 psi)
Tips: Prepare your artwork and design transfer with consideration to the size and shape of the specific Unisub product.
Don’t forget to remove the protective plastic covering. Place a sheet of plain white paper on the press. Using heat resistant
tape, fasten the Unisub item in position facing the printed side of the transfer. Lay the imprintable face up on the heat
press so that you are pressing onto the transfer. Cover imprintable with a sheet of plain white paper.
Press for 75-80 seconds using medium pressure. When pressing is finished carefully remove the transfer paper and
allow to cool on a clean surface.
NOTE: If you are using item that can be printed on both sides allow the plastic to cool to room temperature before
pressing to the 2nd side. Refer to the Unisub pressing guide for additional instructions.