On an average Friday 5 years from now my life will probably be a little different from now. I will wake up at 7 o clock am. I will be wearing regular clothes. There isn’t really a breakfast scene. I wake up make my self some cereal and go to school. The only person there is my roommate who is still sleeping. My residence is a college dormitory. I live in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio inside the University of Cincinnati. I don’t go to work but I go to school at 8 o clock in the morning. My transportation is my feet. I just walk around the campus. I don’t really have a workday I go to school then I go to basketball practice then I go home and do my homework. I leave school at 2 pm. I don’t get paid I go to school on a basketball scholarship. Dinnertime is me at home eating cereal. I like eating cereal. Friday night I don’t have any leisure plans planned because I have basketball practice to 8 o clock and I must go to sleep after because there is a game Saturday morning. I will!
spend my Saturday at a basketball game. Then after the game I will probably go to a party or kick t with some friends. I would evaluate my lifestyle as one I would want. It would be the perfect lifestyle for a college junior.