Nursing education model
In Singapore, basic RN education is attained through two routes:
3-year diploma programmes for fresh school leavers and ENs
upgrading to be RNs, and 2-year accelerated diploma programmes
for mid-career entrants. Plans are underway for a 3-year
baccalaureate degree programme targeting school leavers. Following
their basic nursing programme, RNs can undertake 1-year
advanced diploma courses to specialize in various clinical fields
such as critical care. Currently, about 13% of RNs in Singapore
have acquired a baccalaureate nursing degree mostly via post-registration
courses offered by Australian universities, compared
with 47% in USA and 32% in Canada (Canadian Institute for
Health Information 2005; Health Resources and Services Administration
2005; B.C. Ang, personal communication, 14 November
By contrast, ENs undergo a 2-year certificate programme
where greater emphasis is placed on technical nursing skills.
Trainees for the EN training programme include fresh school
leavers and mid-career entrants. Qualified ENs have opportunities
to upgrade their skills through structured courses offered by
the employing institutions.
Training for HCAs is variable and determined by their place of
employment. Those working in the public hospitals undergo a 1-year vocational training programme to meet minimum training
requirements and competency standards to become certified as
HCAs. Their training incorporates the theory and practice of
basic health care, and includes performing basic patient care procedures,
attending to personal hygiene and the nutritional needs
of patients.
Nursing education modelIn Singapore, basic RN education is attained through two routes:3-year diploma programmes for fresh school leavers and ENsupgrading to be RNs, and 2-year accelerated diploma programmesfor mid-career entrants. Plans are underway for a 3-yearbaccalaureate degree programme targeting school leavers. Followingtheir basic nursing programme, RNs can undertake 1-yearadvanced diploma courses to specialize in various clinical fieldssuch as critical care. Currently, about 13% of RNs in Singaporehave acquired a baccalaureate nursing degree mostly via post-registrationcourses offered by Australian universities, comparedwith 47% in USA and 32% in Canada (Canadian Institute forHealth Information 2005; Health Resources and Services Administration2005; B.C. Ang, personal communication, 14 November2005).By contrast, ENs undergo a 2-year certificate programmewhere greater emphasis is placed on technical nursing skills.Trainees for the EN training programme include fresh schoolleavers and mid-career entrants. Qualified ENs have opportunitiesto upgrade their skills through structured courses offered bythe employing institutions.Training for HCAs is variable and determined by their place ofemployment. Those working in the public hospitals undergo a 1-year vocational training programme to meet minimum trainingrequirements and competency standards to become certified asHCAs. Their training incorporates the theory and practice ofbasic health care, and includes performing basic patient care procedures,
attending to personal hygiene and the nutritional needs
of patients.
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