2.4.1 Platform Screen Door Availability
(a) The term “platform screen doors” is used to define the whole of the platform
screen door system in station, including sliding doors, emergency doors,
fixed screens and side returns and all control and monitoring equipment. In
terms of describing availability to the passengers and the operator, the key
issue is the correct operation of each pair of doors, hereinafter referred to
as “doorsets”.
(b) Each failure of a doorset in service on any one platform face shall be
alarmed to the station control room and a doorset non-availability shall be
recorded. Advice of a fault shall be taken to be the earlier occurrence of
either a fault alarm being given by a terminal which will be connected to the
SCADA system or other system approved by the MRTA.
(c) The duration of the non-availability shall be recorded as the time from
advice of a fault to the station control room up to the time that the doorset is
returned to normal service.