Ceramics like wollastonite, hydroxyapatite (HA), β-tricalcium
phosphate are the various bioceramics have shown to
bond with living bone directly hence, they received important
attention in the field of biomedical engineering as a significant
bone substitute (Sainz et al 2010). The characteristic
of a bioactive material is its ability to form hydroxyapatite
layer on its surface in presence of physiological environment,
which provides the bonding interface with the tissues and
bone (Wei et al 2009). Calcium silicate ceramics were used
as an alternate for hydroxyapatite in the biomedical applications
like artificial dental roots and as a bone regenerative
material (Wang et al 2008). Calcium silicates are also
used in industrial, technological applications due to its properties
like high temperature strength, creep resistance, chemical
inertness, thermal stability, low thermal expansion and
low thermal conductivity (Sreekanth Chakradhar et al 2006).
Wollastonite belongs to the group of bioactive and biocompatible
calcium silicates. In recent years wollastonite has
received much attention due to its high bioactivity and biocompatibility
which influenced the researchers to study its
application in the field of drug delivery system. The bioactivity
of wollastonite is higher than any of the other biocompatible
glass and glass ceramics. The bioactivity of calcium
silicate was analysed by the rate of hydroxyapatite formation
on its surface in presence of simulated body fluid (SBF)
(Huang and Chang 2009). The bioactivity of wollastonite is
Ceramics like wollastonite, hydroxyapatite (HA), β-tricalcium
phosphate are the various bioceramics have shown to
bond with living bone directly hence, they received important
attention in the field of biomedical engineering as a significant
bone substitute (Sainz et al 2010). The characteristic
of a bioactive material is its ability to form hydroxyapatite
layer on its surface in presence of physiological environment,
which provides the bonding interface with the tissues and
bone (Wei et al 2009). Calcium silicate ceramics were used
as an alternate for hydroxyapatite in the biomedical applications
like artificial dental roots and as a bone regenerative
material (Wang et al 2008). Calcium silicates are also
used in industrial, technological applications due to its properties
like high temperature strength, creep resistance, chemical
inertness, thermal stability, low thermal expansion and
low thermal conductivity (Sreekanth Chakradhar et al 2006).
Wollastonite belongs to the group of bioactive and biocompatible
calcium silicates. In recent years wollastonite has
received much attention due to its high bioactivity and biocompatibility
which influenced the researchers to study its
application in the field of drug delivery system. The bioactivity
of wollastonite is higher than any of the other biocompatible
glass and glass ceramics. The bioactivity of calcium
silicate was analysed by the rate of hydroxyapatite formation
on its surface in presence of simulated body fluid (SBF)
(Huang and Chang 2009). The bioactivity of wollastonite is
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