Ideally, with good planning, inspection and engineering interface,
the project’s construction phase will conclude with a successful
mechanical completion. Upon conclusion of Mechanical
Completion activities, a certificate should be issued stating that the
relevant inspections and tests have been carried out according to
the contract. All of the support documentation and redline drawings
and documents should be attached. The certificate will be accompanied
by the punch list if the sail dates don’t allow completion of
all MC activities prior to moving to the next location.
The exercise of Mechanical Completion is a critical link between
the engineering/design and construction of
the facility and its ultimate installation and
operation. Mustang has the expertise to fill
many roles during this phase. Mustang’s
planning during early project stages, execution
with experienced construction management
and inspector oversight, proper equipment
preservation supervision , and interface
management make the pre-commissioning
and commissioning phases more efficient
and economical.