Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition. Follow these first aid steps:
1. Call 911 or other emergency medical services.
2. Move the person into a cool place, out of direct sunlight.
3. Remove unnecessary clothing and place the person on his or her side to expose as much skin surface to the air as possible.
4. Cool the person’s entire body by sponging or spraying cool (not cold) water and fan the person to lower the person’s body temperature.
5. Apply ice packs to the groin, neck and armpits, where large blood vessels lie close to the skin surface. Do not immerse the person in ice bath.
6. It possible, check the rectal temperature frequently, and try to cool it to 102.3 °F (39.06 °C)
Or lower as soon as possible. The longer the body is at a high temperature, the more serious the illness and the more possible complications. Temperatures taken by mouth or in the ear are not accurate in this emergency situation.
7. If breathing stops, start CPR.
8. Do not give aspirin or acetaminophen to reduce a high body temperature that can occur with heatstroke. These medications may cause problems because of the body’s response to heatstroke.
9. If the person is awake and alert enough to swallow, give the person fluids for hydration.