In addition to determining a statistically significant difference existed between the General MICE Industry, Conventions & Meetings, and Event Management courses, the topics addressed, textbooks used, and teaching and assessment methods were also ascertained. Findings demonstrated 14 different textbooks were utilized across 23 courses. Some texts were written and designed specifically for education at the university level, while others were published by professional organizations. Further investigation into the benefits of using one text over another may be warranted in subsequent studies to determine which publications are most suitable to promoting student-led learning at various skill levels.
In total, 49 individual topics were covered in these courses. All classes included some overview of the MICE industry, and more than half taught about food and beverage, site selection, and legal issues. At the other end of the spectrum, only one class concentrated on alternative venues, greening issues, and socially responsible meetings. Generating a list of all the topics addressed by the sample brings to light some important industry concerns that are not being adequately addressed in undergraduate courses.