Six Senses is committed to sustainability and its obligation to the environment and the
community. Widely recognized as having established the initial benchmarks for the
hospitality industry showing that a leisure lifestyle could be successfully embraced by
the very top tier of resorts, Six Senses has shown that it is possible to enhance the guest
experience by showing respect to nature.
Through careful consideration of the effects that operating systems, materials and purchasing
policies have on the environment, Six Senses is continually developing new initiatives and
procedures to minimize our ecological impact. Under the leadership of Amber Beard, vice
president of sustainability, Six Senses remains at the leading edge of sustainable tourism
best practices. These include environmental performance tracking and measurement at each
property, support for the preservation of natural and cultural heritage and enhancing social
and economic benefits to local communities where Six Senses operates.
The Six Senses commitment to sustainability addresses the carbon emissions resulting from
guest travel and hotel operations and invites guests to share the responsibility to offset that
footprint. There are programs in place to conserve energy, re-use water for secondary
applications and to re-cycle waste materials produced by resorts.
Responsible purchasing means that only eco-friendly chemicals are procured for use in the
operations, while food and beverage products are produced locally, and wherever possible,
packaging is kept to an absolute minimum, or re-usable.
Being located in places of great beauty and close to nature, the resorts and spas often have
biodiversity opportunities to preserve, protect and rebuild environments that range from
coral reefs to pristine jungle. There is also an unswerving commitment to protect
endangered species on land and in water. Six Senses deals only with suppliers who
share this commitment.