Why Thailand is a charming country to foreigners?
The main reason these tourists come because thais are generous and helpful, kindness, Smile brightly ,are sincere and they like to help others Because of generous gentlemen were cultivated together since model grandfather grandpa grandfather grandmother. Thailand has everything many place to travel to. There are many both on the land and water, to choose from. The cost of living is cheap and the food is delicious. Thailand is both a beautiful and comfortable. Thai people's smiles become unique. In addition, there are things that are more attractive to the world is known as Muay Thai and Thai massage. In this essay, I will explain three reasons Why Thailand is a charming country to foreigners.
Attractions is the second , When travel is what attracts foreigners "smile" this is the media pander to foreigners traveling to Thailand and when they come on their own. Everyone was all that "smile" of Thailand is the "smile" that is different than that of other nations. A sincere smile is refreshing to see a impersonation on foreign visitors. Attractions in a wide variety of styles, select. Fresh air, beautiful sea. Diversity in the mountains to the sea, shopping. Day and night. Facilities as well. The cost of living is less expensive when compared to the popular tourist town on the other. I think one of the reasons that they give. Why Thailand is a major destination for tourists all over the world, they say that Thailand is especially charming measuring Thailand. Was what they wanted to see. Exposure times.
Third, tradition and culture . What makes a foreigner comes to Thailand is a unique cultural and unique is its own language, traditions are pretty good and interesting. Thailand is a city with a unique heritage and culture that make the traveler is charmed Thailand. And another thing, apart from the artistic traditions. Thailand is a country that has a variety of cultural heritage and traditions such as Loy Krathong Festival. Or lifestyle of Thailand's dependence on the relative And with a warm smile that. "Siamese Smile" as the identity of Thailand is a big smile.
In conclusion, Why Thailand is a charming country to foreigners. There are many reasons such as tradition, culture attractions. The most important is human relations of the Thai people. Therefore, Thailand is another country that foreign tourists choose to leisure and culture of the Thai people.