FIFO lanes. More supermarkets and FIFO lanes have a tendency to lead to more
process loops.
In the event that there are numerous FIFO lanes or supermarkets established
in the middle of the process flow with only one process step in between two
FIFO symbols, the team might elect to group several process steps and associated FIFO lanes together to form a process loop, as shown in Figure 18.5. Other
times, it may be easier to attack the value stream one process step and a FIFO
lane, or supermarket, at a time.
The project team can make a determination as to what is included in a loop
during the identification exercise. As you can see in Figure 18.5, the additional
steps were broken into three distinct, yet overlapping, loops. Each one was given
a name to simplify action plan development. What a loop is named is entirely up
to the team.
FIFO lanes. More supermarkets and FIFO lanes have a tendency to lead to moreprocess loops.In the event that there are numerous FIFO lanes or supermarkets establishedin the middle of the process flow with only one process step in between twoFIFO symbols, the team might elect to group several process steps and associated FIFO lanes together to form a process loop, as shown in Figure 18.5. Othertimes, it may be easier to attack the value stream one process step and a FIFOlane, or supermarket, at a time.The project team can make a determination as to what is included in a loopduring the identification exercise. As you can see in Figure 18.5, the additionalsteps were broken into three distinct, yet overlapping, loops. Each one was givena name to simplify action plan development. What a loop is named is entirely upto the team.
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