Council of Canadians with
CCD is a national advocacy group for Canadians with disabilities.
e-Career Shop Catalogue The Catalogue offers current, well-researched and easy to understand career, learning and employment resources. Most of the print materials are available free of charge in Alberta and many can be downloaded directly from the site.
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada This website provides links to job search and career development programs and services.
National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
NEADS advocates for increased accessibility at all levels so that disabled students may gain equal access to college or university education. Click on "Moving On" for information about the transition from high school to post-secondary studies.
Student Finance
Start looking here for information about financial assistance for post-secondary education. You can also call the Student Funding Contact Centre (SFCC) at 427 3722 in Edmonton, or 1 (800) 222 6485 across Canada.