This research studies the production of charcoal from wood, mango wood reason for choosing a mango wood. Because there is an element of Thick wood Are suitable and can be produced as a chemical stimulus. The chemicals used are chemicals (ZnCl2) stimulate the properties similar to activated carbon. According to the current industry with the use of color in the production process such as the automotive industry, petrochemical industryAnd so on. Most of these industries have to color therapy and chemical residues left over from the production process. Before being released into the water, so essential to the treatment of contaminants in the water to go away. Or the minimum standards prescribed and do not cause environmental pollution activated carbon has a surface area.
Then study the efficiency of adsorption of carbon that is stimulated by the solution ZnCl2 found that charcoal 0.5 g and concentration of different colors by preparing color solution with a concentration of 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg. liter Each concentration in these experiments. A trial before and after the experiment three times, then the average of the% absorbance. By 1. The concentrations of 100 and 0.5 grams of powdered charcoal. before % absorbance average is 0.2860 and after % absorbance average is 0.1822
2. The concentrations of 200 and 0.5 grams of powdered charcoal. before % absorbance average is 0.3570 and after % absorbance average is 0.3352
3. The concentrations of 300 and 0.5 grams of powdered charcoal. before % absorbance average is 0.6115 and after % absorbance average is 0.5387
4. The concentrations of 400 and 0.5 grams of powdered charcoal. before % absorbance average is 0.7623and after % absorbance average is 0.7270
Therefore, from the color of charcoal, which stimulated absorption with aqueous solution. ZnCl 2 found that wood charcoal, with cashew, where kamman coverage solution. ZnCl 2 used as absorbent, efficient and inexpensive