haitraveldreams on internet
We have 3 equivalent websites in English, German and Dutch. These have been carefully designed to display our travel program in a professional way. Our sites are easy-to-navigate and have a friendly and relaxed layout that is pleasing to the eye. We maintain our sites on a continuous basis and update them frequently to the latest insights. We have a Facebook site on which we frequently publish articles with useful information, special offers, new tours, testimonials and events or just fun stories about Thailand. We also have a Twitter account and a YouTube site, on which we regularly post photos and videos. We kindly invite you to visit our social media pages as often as you like. You can post messages yourself, for instance if you have advice for travelers or when you are very satisfied with our services, but also if you are not. We issue regular newsletters, to which you can subscribe via a button in the header of each of our webpages (see also the header here above).