Flood events with a different point of view
The Flood events that nobody wants to happen, it also affects my opinion. I believe that many people would not forget the one of situation the worst flooded. In 2011 Flood occurred in the northern and central regions of Thailand. Especially, the Metropolitan area was one of the worst flooding. Me and my family was one of those affected by the events of those times for example we need to live in the limited space, because we cannot go out of the house and we have moved to escape the water because the home living in the flood cannot exist. However, the events of that time I met so many good things. I have spent more time with family, the living room was the place of my family to share as the most common. We have spent together in this room, whether it was eat, keep the things up high in order to escape the water, we sit staring at each other in silence until sleeping. We had to plenty of time to be together. I feel the conversation, laughter and there was care for each other even more. I have received will power, people who know the news about the flood my house have sent encouraging messages. There was a friend that I have not contacted each other for a long time, phone to me and said “if anything happened please call so that they will come to the rescue”. At that time, I thought I couldn't live alone. I have a lot of people support me. Even a little but it made my mind stronger astonishingly. I have learned to give, after I had come out to rent temporary homes. I was aware of the difficulties that arise, food shortages have to wait staff state to bring distribution. I have participated as a volunteer in the preparation of food, something that can be done. I cannot help everyone, but I am one park that helpful people in trouble and I hope to help those people, just as I have received. I have learned to accept, the day flood rises. I was worried about the situation of what had happened, until I went through a large mirror and I saw myself in the mirror, This is face unhappy, the lack of a smile. I ask myself “who are you?”. I told myself that my smile is gone. Why did I give to suffering so much. I should accept what happened, just say “let it be” I feel more comfortable and happy. All in all, From a flood event that occurred, I can see a different point of view on the other side. I don't choose to look at only one side, There is nothing either good or bad at all. I will look at remember or the views on either side, please choose view cause the learning for the fix , for the Happiness and create a smile to ourselves the people around.