your target group consists of college-bound high school seniors all of whom have the required arithmetic entry behaviors for beginning your unit.
The performance context is a local bank chosen by the students and their parents. At the conclusion of the instruction all students in the class will actually open a checking account, with their parents' permission.
The instructional context is a high school classroom. Local banks have all willingly provided banking materials to aid authenticating the instruction. As an aid to your work, you may wish to review the format and requirements of your own deposit slips.
You can use the checklist in Table 7.4 as an aid to constructing your items and for evaluating those you create. Compare the assessments
you write with those in Table 7.11 Your items will undoubtedly differ from those provided since ours reflect only a few of many that could have been written.
Develop a test that includes instruction for the learner and and evaluation forms for the psychomotor skill of putting a golf ball. The following behavioral objectives are based on the instructional analysis in Figure 4.6. The test should have two parts including putting form and putting accuracy. Compare the instructions you write with the ones included in section IV of the Feedback. Compare the evaluation form design with the one contained in Table 7.12 of the feedback section.
Objectives: On a putting green and using a regulation ball and putter: 5.1 Demonstrate good form while putting the golf ball. The body must be relaxed and aligned with the target, and the club must