People have a right to privacy and being invaded like that, being forced to take a test is ruining that privacy. Then there is money, the economy is already in the dumps and to raise taxes for something as silly as a drug test which probably won't work because the students will probably just find ways around it is stupid. Sure I agree on the students, actually no one, should do drugs that aren't prescribed by a doctor and even then the doctor can be an idiot and the drugs dangerous. But to invade privacy? Spend money needed on food? Cause students to find more inventive ways? To risk a ton of children to run away and drop out because of the "unfairness". Then the tests could do a false positive ruining a good students reputation and trust. It could read second hand smoke and doing the same. Or read prescribed drugs. It is just too faulty, and too wrong to actually have a drug test like that. The school is there to teach, that's all. If the students can't or won't learn that is there problem. The teachers should just teach. To some of you "GO FOR IT AND TEST OUR KIDS" people this may seem like stupid reasons to you but they are NOT. Drug testing our children "randomly" is an invasion to privacy and can potentially bring bad repercussions such as a higher drop out rate, more run aways, a student riot, people to create a new undetectable drug that can be even more harmful… just no to the drug tests. NO.