After coming Nanna's stringy hair, she went out to the garage where she knew the student she tutored had left any assignments or
letters about her reports.
There was a letter from the school she was getting her degree out of.
Dear Ms. Gray,
You are well on your way to earning your GED and certificate in Bookkeeping. We are proud to note you have a 4.0 GPA and only
one course left for both your majors.
The letter went on to note what she received on her last paper and test assignments. Quickly she scanned the letter until she got to
the end.
Due to your rapid success in the program, we must request that you send in the final payment before we send you the last of your lessons.
The amount of $1000 is needed to complete this process. This cost also contains your graduating certificates and references needed, plus
the rest of the supplies and books.
Where was she going to get that kind of money from? She only had eight hundred saved because she didn't expect to finish the
course so quickly. Marvin would know if she tried to get any money and she didn't want to get thrown in a closet again for taking any money
like she did before even though the check was in her name. Marvin wasn't stupid when it came to money matters and he kept track of every
dime that went in and out of the house and business.
Getting in on her shift the next day, she looked over the books while the other cashier ran the window. As usual, Marvin had been
making withdrawals out the bank account and this made her short on supplies. His withdrawals were becoming larger and larger, so she
decided to pay off the bills two months in advance writing a note that something had bounced due to his withdrawals and payments were
requested like this until after the New Year. Nanna had said she was drawing up new power attorney papers and would make her sole heir.
As much as Nicole cared about the business, she cared about Nanna more. She didn't want her grandmother to go away.
At nine, Cleo's oldest daughter of fourteen called to let her know, that her mother had to rush the youngest child of one to the
hospital because of an ear infection and it would be doubtful if Cleo could come in. Nicole knew if Marvin was told he'd tell her to fire Cleo
because this was her fourth time calling out in this month. Instead, she decided to work the shift. It would be slow on a Wednesday night so
she didn't have anything to really worry about. She asked the other cashier to stay for an extra hour while she got herself something to eat,
then she let the girl go.
Delving deep into her studies after doing all the orders, at twelve, she wasn't aware of someone walking up to the counter until
someone slipped a twenty in the money slot.
As before this one, she pointed to the sign without saying a word and hoping the "john" would go away.
Another twenty was laid on top of the first. "Can you read-" she was cut short as she found his eyes of green as usual breathtaking.
Did he know how beautiful they were? Biting her lip from any smart comment she said, "Whatever you want, I'm not that type of girl."
"What type of girl are you?"
"What type do I look like?" she snapped. He was purposely edging her into a verbal conflict.