The Myrmidons were the followers of the great hero Achilles in the Trojan War. It is said that they were created from ants on the Isand of Aegina in the reign of Aeacus. Achilles' grandfather The Myrmidons were renowned for ther thrift and patience like their origin, and hey were also brave The Mymidons changed into men from ants because of Hera's jealousy of Zeus" love for Aegina. the maiden for whom the island was named, and whose son Aeacus, became its king Hera sent the island a famine, when blled all but Aeacus and h's lamly. Aeacus prayed fo Zeus for help, so the god created a new race of men out of ants. The idand was repopulated by the Mymidons. called after the ant (myrmex). famous for his integrity and plety. When he died Zeus made hm one of the three judges of the Underworld, along with minos and Rhadamanthus