The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of blue maize extracts obtained by acid-methanol
treatment on the nutritional in vitro starch fractions such as: rapidly digestive starch (RDS), slowly digestive
starch (SDS) and resistant starch (RS) of native and gelatinized commercial maize starch.
Chromatographic analysis (HPLC-DAD/ESI-MS) of blue maize extracts showed the presence of seven
anthocyanins, where cyanidin-3-(600-malonylglucoside) was the main. Blue maize extracts modified
nutritional in vitro starch fractions (decrease of RDS) while RS content increased (1.17 and 2.02 times
for native and gelatinized commercial maize starch, respectively) when anthocyanins extracts were
added to starch up to 75% (starch weight). This preliminary observation provides the basis for further
suitability evaluation of blue maize extract as natural starch-modifier by the possible anthocyaninsstarch
interaction. Anthocyanin extracts can be a suitable to produce functional foods with higher RS content
with potential human health benefits.