Hi, I’m glad to write a blog again. The blog is eleventh weeks of writing class. This week was making a work group, make a video. My group made a video at the classroom in university on Saturday. Last week we made a video member all together but this week didn’t incomplete, one does not com. Although my group didn’t complete but we made a video finished. We got to prepare for this week because knew that step to do. I felt that my self missed on the video however my friends think that it’s ok. Saturday, it’s not rainy then because work is smooth of better. Working group had a positive and negative in my point of view. It was harmony to work together and changed of opinion in a group. If it had a little problem, we would solve to find the best solution. We spent the time to work about four hours. I though that one of part a better in my English. So I had to practice a lot of and review each lesson that studied. Last of all we would prepare to present of writing for next week. In the final project that everyone have to do. Keep going!