You stood across from Elsa trying to come up with something to say. She seemed timid as well and wasn’t pushing the conversation either. She actually looked like she was waiting for you to say something before she could speak. You saw her open and close her hands that were lowered next to her hip showing how nervous she was. This actually made you feel more at ease since you were struggling to find words yourself. Even though her appearance was that of a tomboy’s you could see that this girl was clearly attractive and could dress in much more feminine clothes, but for some reason tried to hide it. Still you were good at reading people, it was a skill you had developed to be able to talk to people without making it obvious that you mostly spoke to others online through chatrooms and rarely spoke to anyone aside from your family in person. Even when you did have to talk to someone you took your time and listened to them and watched their body language to choose the appropriate things to say. Thanks to this you were able to get along fairly well with people even though for the most part you found it both troublesome and tiresome. Thanks to this skill you could tell she dressed herself to become invisible or at the very least less noticeable from the way she kept looking at everyone to see who was looking in her direction and turning away from anyone who was. Though you still found the current situation annoying as you were both just standing together and twitching nervously trying to start your conversation. Not being very good at socializing you started thinking why you even agreed to meet her in the first place.
‘Damn this is annoying! Why did she want to meet me so badly if all she was going to do was look down, fix her glasses and play with her hair?!’ You tilted you head back to look at something else after getting too anxious and needing to clear your head for just a second.