In the export sector, growth was strong in gas, garments, and agriculture. Gas exports are estimated to have reached US$3.6 billion in 2012/13, surpassing the 2011/12 record of US$3.3 billion. Similarly, garment exports are estimated to have reached US$1 billion at the end of 2012/13 fiscal year on account of higher production as well as prices. In agriculture, rice production declined slightly due to flooding in some areas and drought in others but exports in 2012/13 doubled to 1.5 million tons. This was on account of a significant increase in exports to China (estimated at 800,000 tons) where demand for imported rice surged. This follows a rise in the price of domestically produced rice in China in the wake of a government price support scheme that saw prices increase from $272 per ton in 2010 to $421 in 2013.