The most striking feature of Indian Administration is the enormous
growth in the powers, functions and influence of the civil service in
the post independence period. The economic and social
compulsions of free India have led to the acceptance of the concept
of a welfare state and a socialist society to be achieved through a
planned process. Civil service is engaged in a large variety of
developmental activities. The growing importance of civil service
has led to a significant change in the approach to the civil service.
Owing to the tremendous increase in the number of personnel of
public services in the post-independence period, the issue of
recruitment has assumed great significance. Prior to 1979 a single
competitive examination used to be held. There were three
compulsory papers: Essay, General knowledge and General
English - each carrying 150 marks. But of a number of optional
papers three papers of 200 marks each, and two additional subjects
(for IAS and IPS only) out of another list of subjects each carrying
200 marks were to be offered. The candidates who qualified in the,
written examination were called for interview, which carried 300