Glasses having composition 20ZnO·xBi2O3·(79.5−x)B2O3·0.5Pr6O11 were prepared by melt quench technique.
The amorphous nature of the prepared glass samples was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. The
spectroscopic properties of these glasses were investigated by recording optical absorption and fluorescence
spectra. The structural investigations of the glasses were carried out by recording the IR spectra.
The optical properties of Pr3+ ions doped zinc borate glasses with varying concentration of bismuth oxide
The optical properties of Pr3+ ions doped zinc bismuth borate
glasses have been studied. Effect of bismuth oxide on the absorption
and emission spectra were investigated with the help ofJudd–Ofelt theory. The variation of Judd–Ofelt intensity parameters
are discussed and correlated to the structural changes in the
glass network. Fluorescence intensity is enhanced with the addition
of bismuth oxide. Out of three Judd–Ofelt parameters (˝),
the values of ˝2, which is related to the structural changes in the
vicinity of the rare earth ion, indicated covalent environment in
zinc bismuth borate glasses. The radiative properties like spontaneous
emission probability, radiative life time, branching ratio
and stimulated emission cross-section in the present glasses has
been determined. The branching ratio for 3P0→3F2 transition in
the present glass is 42% and the predicted spontaneous radiative
transition rate is as high as 14,607 s−1 for ZBP5 sample. This is
beneficial for achieving laser action in Pr3+ doped zinc bismuth
borate glasses. Further, the radiative emission probability for Pr3+
ions these glasses is as high as in lead fluoro- borate glasses, which
have been successfully used as laser material. This indicates that the
present Pr3+ doped zinc bismuth borate glasses can act as potential
laser material.
Glasses having composition 20ZnO·xBi2O3·(79.5−x)B2O3·0.5Pr6O11 were prepared by melt quench technique.The amorphous nature of the prepared glass samples was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. Thespectroscopic properties of these glasses were investigated by recording optical absorption and fluorescencespectra. The structural investigations of the glasses were carried out by recording the IR spectra.The optical properties of Pr3+ ions doped zinc borate glasses with varying concentration of bismuth oxideThe optical properties of Pr3+ ions doped zinc bismuth borateglasses have been studied. Effect of bismuth oxide on the absorptionand emission spectra were investigated with the help ofJudd–Ofelt theory. The variation of Judd–Ofelt intensity parametersare discussed and correlated to the structural changes in theglass network. Fluorescence intensity is enhanced with the additionof bismuth oxide. Out of three Judd–Ofelt parameters (˝),the values of ˝2, which is related to the structural changes in thevicinity of the rare earth ion, indicated covalent environment inzinc bismuth borate glasses. The radiative properties like spontaneousemission probability, radiative life time, branching ratioand stimulated emission cross-section in the present glasses hasbeen determined. The branching ratio for 3P0→3F2 transition inthe present glass is 42% and the predicted spontaneous radiativetransition rate is as high as 14,607 s−1 for ZBP5 sample. This isbeneficial for achieving laser action in Pr3+ doped zinc bismuthborate glasses. Further, the radiative emission probability for Pr3+ions these glasses is as high as in lead fluoro- borate glasses, whichhave been successfully used as laser material. This indicates that thepresent Pr3+ doped zinc bismuth borate glasses can act as potentiallaser material.
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