5. System Overview
The development of the mobile campus touring system applied the freeware tool Layar. In addition, Hoppala
was used for the remote data server. Google Sketchup was used for the 3D icon creations, and photoshop was used
for 2D photo modifications. Digital camera, recording devices, and a personal computer with Internet access were
also tools for system implementation. Prior to building application, touring content was analyzed and planned. The
procedure of implementing this system began by taking photos of the buildings and places in the campus, creating
3D icons representing the function of these building and places, and recording narratives for audio navigation
(Figure 1). Then, these data were input into Hoppala by pinpointing each point of interest. The Hoppala overlay
URL was inserted into the Layar API endpoint. Several 3D photos were used as touring system icons along with a
brief introduction.