The positive evidence suggesting that limonin glucoside possess potential health promoting biological activities and is biologically available (Manners, 2007), led us to undertake the centigram isola- tion of limonin glucoside in preparation to conduct a more exten- sive studies. The required quantities of limonin glucoside (1) were isolated and samples formulated into test beverages in order to conduct stability studies. Unfortunately we quickly learned from the taste panel that both beverages were deemed unacceptable due to excessive bitterness. Analysis of these beverages for their limonin content revealed that the percent limonin content by weight in individual lots of limonin glucoside produced ranged from 0.11% to 1.06%. Therefore, our immediate goal became to de- velop a method to remove the limonin entirely or reduce the limo- nin content to less than 0.10% (by weight).