On the other hand, colloidal suspensions in fruit
juices are preferred, as cloud imparts characteristic flavor,
color and mouthfeel (Genovese et al. 1997; Baker and
Cameron 1999). It is therefore important to maintain and
improve juice turbidity to meet consumer demand.
Stoke’s law describes the behavior of suspended solids
(1–100 μ) in an aqueous solution. The floating behavior of
a particle expressed as sedimentation velocity (V) is influenced
by the particle diameter (d), the particle density (rt),
the density of the solution (rft), the viscosity of the solution
(h) and the acceleration due to gravity (g) as indicated by
the following equation:
On the other hand, colloidal suspensions in fruitjuices are preferred, as cloud imparts characteristic flavor,color and mouthfeel (Genovese et al. 1997; Baker andCameron 1999). It is therefore important to maintain andimprove juice turbidity to meet consumer demand.Stoke’s law describes the behavior of suspended solids(1–100 μ) in an aqueous solution. The floating behavior ofa particle expressed as sedimentation velocity (V) is influencedby the particle diameter (d), the particle density (rt),the density of the solution (rft), the viscosity of the solution(h) and the acceleration due to gravity (g) as indicated bythe following equation:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

ในทางกลับกันแขวนลอยคอลลอยด์ในผลไม้น้ำผลไม้ที่เป็นที่ต้องการเป็นเมฆภูมิต้านทานรสชาติลักษณะสีและmouthfeel (เบเกอร์และคาเมรอน1999) On the other hand, colloidal suspensions in fruit
juices are preferred, as cloud imparts characteristic flavor,
color and mouthfeel (Genovese et al. 1997; Baker and
Cameron 1999). It is therefore important to maintain and
improve juice turbidity to meet consumer demand.
Stoke’s law describes the behavior of suspended solids
(1–100 μ) in an aqueous solution. The floating behavior of
a particle expressed as sedimentation velocity (V) is influenced
by the particle diameter (d), the particle density (rt),
the density of the solution (rft), the viscosity of the solution
(h) and the acceleration due to gravity (g) as indicated by
the following equation:
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..