Competitive Cost Structure
AIG’s ROE is below its peers not only because of size and capital constraints, but also because of lack of cost control. You have acknowledged that returns are below peers and must be improved, even going so far as to provide a long-term ROE goal of 10%, which is still below peers. At the same time you have suggested returns would not increase by more than 0.5% per year. Amazingly you have turned the quest for a 10% ROE into a half decade journey. The one thing we do agree on is AIG’s lack of competitiveness. Do you honestly think now is not the time for the inevitable AIG transformation? You must be proactive and commit to closing 100% of the ROE gap between AIG and its peers.
It is now incumbent upon you to explain why, despite pressure from the stock price, regulators, and shareholders, the company should not take immediate and transformative action. Achieving these two goals in combination with continued share repurchases is the only realistic path to a healthy and competitive company and, more importantly, exceed the potential of any alternative plan. AIG has taken too long already and we hope you come to the same conclusion. Time is of the essence. We look forward to engaging with management, the Board, and shareholders.
Carl C. Icahn
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